Pinch Pot Animals- A Clay Workshop For Select Pupils Of Middle School

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On the 7th of February, a group of eager students made their way to the Senior Art Room to have some fun with clay between 2:20 and 3:10 pm. They were shown how to fashion two pinch pots and join them thus trapping the air inside. The resultant shape was turned into a pig, a fish, a tortoise or even any imaginary animal too.

The students had a fun-filled forty five minutes and quite amazingly worked well within the time constraints to make their small animal forms. Clay is a wonderful medium of self-expression and truly has a calming effect on all who work with it .This could be seen by the level of concentration on all the faces of the students present as they got busy molding their little animals.

A few eager pupils found some time on a later date to apply paint, under the guidance of the H.O.D Visual Arts, to their dry creations and they came up with very interesting results

Trina Chatterji
Dept of Visual Arts (GDGWS)