Bakery Session For Students Of The Middle School On 8th February, 2017

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A hands-on bakery session was organized by ‘GDGWI School of Hospitality’ for CS-1(Middle School) students on 8th February. The students were all agog to learn something new as it gave them a chance to satiate their burgeoning desire to enter the unknown turf of ‘The Culinary World’. After the workshop, their echoes did not cease to reverberate in the corridors of middle school.

The students watched how mouth-watering treats like chocolate muffins, calzones, chocolate mousse and bread and butter pudding could be made. They even tried their hand at filling calzones.

The feedback by some of the students:
Atufa: ’It was a tempting tangy experience’.
Rajsi: ‘I applied Math skills while combining ingredients for recipes!!
Keerti: ‘Undoubtedly, an unforgettable experience!’
Saloni: ‘A unique session of tongue-tingling flavors!’
Ms. Geetanjali Yadav