IBDP Assembly on “International Book Day”

admin News & Events

The assembly given by our class, 12A, on the 21st of April, proved to be interesting and informative. Our theme for the assembly was “International Book Day”, and our aim was to enlighten our audience to the power and importance of books.

Our assembly started out with an inspiring prayer, followed by an interesting thought of the day by AA Milne. This was succeeded by an update on current affairs. In order to emphasize on our theme, we included two inspiring TED Talk videos, and an informative presentation.

Each of these elements was designed to explore the different aspects of books. The first TED Talk related the power of books. The video related the experiences of a woman who was able to challenge and break the societal norms she was subjected to after learning about new perspectives from books.

Next, we had a presentation, whose aim was to inculcate curiosity amongst the students. It allowed the students broaden their horizons through the appropriation of new knowledge.

We concluded with another TED Talk about the experiences of a book cover designer. This video exposed students to less known career options, which further expanded their knowledge.

We were all thrilled to know that each of these struck a chord with the audience, and managed to not only inspire the audience, but also initiate a healthy discussion amongst students following the assembly. 

Therefore, the assembly proved to be a successful and informative event.

-Diya Singh 12A