Coffee Morning and Curriculum Orientation

admin News & Events

“Together may we give our children the roots to grow and wings to fly”

‘Coffee Morning with the Parents’ of Nursery to Grade V on Saturday, April 22, 2017 proved to be an extremely productive event to build the community feeling equally, among the parents and teachers.It was a beautiful way to have teacher-parent connection in an informal setting.The form tutors organised very interesting and fun filled games during the ice breaking session for the parents, giving them an opportunity to interact with other parents and new form tutors. This was followed by Curriculum Orientation in which the form tutors showed the PPT and explicitly explained the curriculum break up, Unit of Inquiry themes , the research work connected with it, class policies, home work policies and school policies.

The parents were contented and exulted to have a heart to heart interactive session with the Form Tutors.