The Workshop on Database Software Designing

admin News & Events

On the 19th of April we had an ICT workshop on database software designing. It was a very informative workshop and it taught us a lot of skills like designing etc that can be used for official purposes, when we grow up and start doing jobs. This workshop was conducted by 2 of our ICT teachers Neha ma’am and Pallavi ma’am. Both of the teachers were very helpful and made the workshop a lot of fun .they taught us how to add data without writing in the table, how to create a table without a primary key , how to make a relationship including many tables etc . This workshop was an awesome learning experience and it would be awesome to have more workshops like these.

By Vrakshita Kothari
10th d

On the 19th of April a workshop was carried out by the ICT department, i.e. Neha ma’am and Pallavi ma’am. Students of IGCSE, both 9th and 10th, attended the workshop. The workshop was based around designing database software. The main objective of the workshop was for us students of IGCSE to develop our skills to design and how to perform/carry out specific tasks with a database. And to help us in the future in IBDP as well as further university courses. The workshop was really alluring and informative. I really enjoyed the workshop. And i hope such workshops take place more often.

