GD Goenka World School – 7B Class Assembly

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The Class Assembly of VIIB was held on 18th May, 2017. The topic was ‘Be Yourself’. Vanshika and Eeshaja ably anchored the event and introduced each item and student. The Assembly started with the prayer followed by the ‘Thought of the Day’ and News. A video on the theme was shown to audience after that. An impressive skit was next staged by the students of Grade VIIB which provided food for thought for the audience. Students then presented a beautiful musical performance with the musical instruments-Drums by Kush Singh and Violin by Choi Woo. Lastly, the pupils with great enthusiasm and gusto enthralled the audience by their amazing dance performance. The Assembly concluded with the national anthem.

Shilpa Yadav
Form Tutor-Grade 7B