Beyond Academics


Extending Support and Nurturing Individual Growth

“At GD Goenka World School, we recognize that every child possesses a unique learning style and pace. Each child is not only capable of learning but also capable of achieving success.”

Our approach at GD Goenka World School is centered around the belief that play is an indispensable aspect of the learning process. We maintain a child-centric system coupled with inclusive education, aiming to prepare students for life beyond school. Our commitment is rooted in providing love and care to all children, especially those with impairments, offering both educational and therapeutic support. The entire team is dedicated to enabling each child to reach their full potential, guided by the principles of transparency, trust, and continual learning.

The Learning Support Unit (LSU) and the School Counselor play pivotal roles in providing learning and emotional support to students facing challenges in reading, writing, mathematical calculations, and diagnosed learning and developmental disorders. The LSU team operates as a foundation within the school, employing short-term teaching methods with specialized tools such as modified worksheets, hands-on activities, flashcards, digital reading tools, and apps. This approach caters to the diverse learning styles of our students, with the ultimate goal of addressing academic difficulties and reintegrating students into mainstream classes promptly. Individualized sessions are conducted to meet specific student needs, and group sessions focus on enhancing listening and communication skills. Referrals to the LSU can come from both parents and teachers.

In addition to academic support, GDGWS is steadfast in providing assistance to students in managing their emotions, building relationships with friends and family, mastering time management, and fostering overall personality development through the School Counselor. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) workshops, covering topics such as time management, emotional regulation, healthy relationship building, and understanding safe and unsafe touch, are conducted semester-wise and tailored to specific grade levels. Special sessions are held for boarding students, helping them navigate emotions while being away from loved ones. Referrals to the School Counselor are made by teachers, parents, and fellow students. Furthermore, students are encouraged to freely approach the counselor, with the assurance that all shared information is treated with utmost confidentiality.

 Service Learning & Social Outreach at GD Goenka World School


Service learning and community engagement lie at the core of the GD Goenka World School experience. Beyond enriching our curriculum, these initiatives instill values, address real community needs, and prepare students to navigate ethical and social challenges in today’s dynamic world. Our focus extends beyond “can we” to “should we,” emphasizing responsible citizenship.

Our Philosophy:

As future leaders and nation builders, GD Goenka students reflect on essential values like justice, equity, dignity of life, and human rights. Service learning is not just an activity; it’s a commitment to Mahatma Gandhi’s profound words: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

Notable Initiatives:

Explore some of our impactful initiatives that empower students to make a positive difference:

  • Tree Plantation Drive: Collaborating with the Bhagat Singh Foundation, Grade 12 boarders organized a Tree Plantation Drive under the GO GREEN Project.
  • No Plastic Glasses Drive: Instilling environmental responsibility, the “No Plastic Glasses Drive” aimed to reduce waste within the school community.
  • Labor Day Celebration: IBDP students celebrated World Labor Day, expressing appreciation for support staff with chocolates and handmade cards.
  • UNDP Partnership: Collaborating with UNDP, students prepared emergency medical kits for a Sikkim village affected by a natural calamity.
  • Book Collection Drive: Dedicated students initiated a “Book Collection Drive” with Adaa, donating over 400 books to the NGO.
  • Kartavya Project: The Interact Club collected sanitary pads for rural women, benefiting The Earth Saviors Foundation.
  • Scream No: Grade XI students educated peers about child safety, “stranger danger,” and self-defense.
  • Neev Foundation: Collaboration with underprivileged students involved training for a musical production on girl education and women empowerment.
  • Fairtrade: Joining the Fairtrade movement, we promote responsible consumption and production.
  • Sports Day for the Underprivileged: The Interact Club organized a sports day for underprivileged children.
  • Great Ganga Run: Students participated in the Great Ganga Run to raise awareness about environmental conservation.
  • Anti-Pollution Masks: Students collected and donated anti-pollution masks to underprivileged schools.
  • Diwali Fundraiser: Students organized a Diwali fundraiser, donating proceeds to underprivileged schools.
  • Project “Tip of the Pen”: Spearheaded by Grade 11, this initiative focuses on providing essential school supplies to underprivileged children.
  • Project Polymer on World Environment Day: Grade 12 introduced “Project Polymer” to collect used plastic milk packets, promoting sustainability.
  • Ann Daan – Food Collection Drive: Students collected 380 kg of non-perishable food items for UNWFP, supporting their mission of distributing food to those in need.
  • CAS Diwali Donation Drive: IBDP students supported The Earth Saviours Foundation (T.E.S.F.) to improve the lives of residents at their rescue center.
  • CAS Trip to Jim Corbett: Grade 12 IB students embarked on an educational excursion focusing on experiential learning and sustainability.
  • Indo-Bangla Cultural Exchange Programme CAS: This project celebrated and exchanged diverse cultures and traditions, emphasizing cultural understanding in our globalized world.

    Commitment to Positive Impact:

    At GD Goenka World School, our commitment is to foster responsible citizenship and create a positive impact in our community and beyond. Join us in shaping a better future through service learning and social outreach.


    Nurturing Multilingual Competence Language, as a vital tool for human communication, is at the core of personal and social development. At GDGWS, we recognize its pivotal role in fostering international growth, open-mindedness, and cultural acceptance.


    Our Language Policy aims to:

    • Ensure effective curriculum delivery.

    • Develop language as a powerful tool for societal communication and personal reflection.

    • Monitor teaching and learning of language.

    • Equip students to use, understand, and appreciate diverse languages.

      Language Philosophy:

      • Language learning is ongoing, fostering intellectual growth and international understanding.

      • All teachers are language teachers, acknowledging the fundamental role of language in learning.

      • Learning language, learning about language, and learning through language create a supportive environment.


        Multicultural Environment:

        With 33 nationalities and 25 languages, GDGWS values linguistic diversity. We address challenges through a dynamic language policy, offering a curriculum tailored to varied languages and learning mediums.


        Principles (Aligned with IB Objectives):

        • International Mindedness: Fostering a global community, our policy supports students with an international approach to knowledge.

        • Broad-Based Education: Our language classes cater to both foreign and domestic students, aligning with the IB’s objective of providing a solid general education.

        • Stimulating Interests: Encouraging participation in languages, our policy supports varied interests and skills development.

        • Citizenship and Brotherhood: Language learning instills a sense of global citizenship, promoting understanding of diverse cultures and societies.


          ESOL Program:

          • Tailored support for non-English speakers.

          • ESOL classes integrate with the English curriculum, ensuring a seamless language learning experience.

          • Activities include drills, role-plays, communicative tasks, and videos.

          • Primary Years Program (PYP – Age 6 to 12):

            • English is the primary language, with additional support for non-speakers.

            • Hindi introduced from Nursery, advancing to written Hindi in KG.

            • Options for French, German, and Spanish in Grade 4, promoting multilingualism.


              Cambridge Lower Secondary (Age 12 to 14):

              • Emphasis on a multilingual study approach for well-rounded development.

              • Guidelines for first, second, and third language selection.

              • Intensive ESOL support for 6 months.


                IGCSE Program (Age 14 to 16):

                • English as the primary language, with streams for First Language and English Literature.

                • Mandatory foreign language learning for the ICE award.

                • Hindi, French, German, and Spanish options available.


                  IB Diploma Program (Age 16 to 19):

                  • Two language requirements from Group 1 and Group 2.

                  • Options include English, Hindi, French, Spanish, and German.

                  • Support for self-taught languages and ab-initio courses.


                    At GDGWS, language is the essence of communication, and every teacher contributes to linguistic growth. Our Language Policy aligns with IB principles, nurturing multilingual competence and emphasizing communication as a key learner attribute. Students, guided by ATL skills, develop language proficiency that extends beyond comprehension to interactive, productive, and receptive abilities

                     Innovative Teaching Tools at GD Goenka World School

                    At GDGWS, we embrace innovative teaching methodologies to foster dynamic and immersive learning experiences. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the diverse tools and strategies employed:

                    Interactive Learning Modules:

                    • Engaging lessons featuring quizzes, simulations, and virtual experiments.

                    • Example: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs depicted through a Business Management pyramid.


                      Mind Maps for Learning:

                      • Encouraging research and ideation through mind maps.

                      • Example: Students organizing information about their favorite hero using COGGLE.


                        Audiobook Creation:

                        • Collaborative audiobook creation, enhancing storytelling skills.

                        • Example: IGCSE students recording and merging parts of a short story.


                          Padlets and Jamboards:

                          • Online tools facilitating visually engaging explanations in subjects like History, Science, and Math.

                            Virtual Tours:

                            • Immersive learning experiences through virtual tours of museums and cultural landmarks.

                              Gamified Learning:

                              • Incorporating gamification elements for a fun and engaging learning environment.

                              • Example: Recreating the school logo using IT tools.

                                Real-World Applications:

                                • Applying classroom concepts through case studies, professional interviews, or current events discussions.

                                • Example: Discussing government austerity measures in Economics using the JIGSAW method.

                                • Education Outside Classrooms

                                • Participation in outdoor activities, night camps, and sporting events for holistic development.

                                  Teaching through Festivals and Events:

                                  At GDGWS, we believe in holistic education that extends beyond textbooks. Our students actively engage in planning and hosting diverse events, fostering collaboration and leadership skills. Key highlights include:

                                  Celebrating Indian and Global Festivals:

                                  • Recent celebrations included Eid e Milad and Thanksgiving, promoting a sense of brotherhood and gratitude.

                                  • Recognition and appreciation extended to school staff, drivers, guards, nannies, and cleaners.

                                  Student Initiatives

                                  • Students organized events to express gratitude, acknowledging the vital roles of everyday helpers.

                                  • Tokens of appreciation, such as chocolates and cards, were presented to show genuine care.

                                    Through these initiatives, we empower our students to develop self-awareness, unlock their potential, and build meaningful relationships. At GDGWS, education goes beyond classrooms, creating a nurturing environment that celebrates diversity and shared experiences.