Interact Club at G.D.Goenka World School felicitated with “2018-2019 Rotary Citation with Platinum Distinction”

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Interact Club of G.D. Goenka World School was felicitated with “2018-2019 Rotary Citation with Platinum Distinction” for the exemplary socially sensitive work done in past one year by District Governor (Rotary International District 3012) during Governor’s Official Visit and Club’s new board Installation for the Rotary Year 2019-20 on August 20, 2019 in The Woods Club Gurugram. It is a highly recognized award, won by rarest of Interact Clubs across the globe.

Our Interact Club was represented by current President, Vice President and Club In-charge Mrs. Shahnaz Banoo Butt. During the felicitation ceremony District Governor Rtn. Deepak Gupta had personal interaction with Interactors and Mrs. Shahnaz. Interactors discussed about their ongoing projects and future plans to serve more in community. All the Rotarians present during the function appreciated the variety of the projects and the short time period within which these were implemented by our Interact Club.

Thanks to the Rotary Citation Team for recognizing our efforts. We wish to acknowledge the contribution of Rotarian, Dr. Nischal Pandey, who has been a driving force and a great help in promoting our efforts.