Is International Baccalaureate Right For Your Child?

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The IB diploma course was created in Switzerland for students studying in international schools. IB is now offered in around 3,460 schools in more than 143 countries. The reasons behind the popularity of IB accredited schools are their emphasis on in-depth discussion that is largely controlled by students, the high standards of education, and stressing on the need to develop creative and critical thinking. The students across IB schools, be it a IB boarding school in Gurgaon or any other IB residential school in India, are responsible for their own learning, choosing topics and their own projects. IB also lays emphasis on research and encourages students to learn from their peers. Other than preparing students for college level work and critical thinking, IB, from elementary school itself, calls for students to express themselves through various means, such as writing, and helps develop inquiring, caring, and knowledgeable young people who can help create a better and more peaceful world.

What are IB Schools?

Technically speaking, any IB accredited school is an IB school. The IB accredited school can offer an IB diploma course. In fact, IB residential schools in India can also offer classes under other curriculum, except in the cases of IB elementary schools, where only the IB programme is a part of every class; this does not need to be the case with middle and high schools. Some IB boarding schools in Gurgaon and other parts of India are 100 per cent IB, but there are exceptions. For example, many high schools allow students to opt out of IB programs. This gives students the freedom to attend IB at different levels that range from taking a single IB course to getting an IB diploma or taking the full course of IB and meeting a series of requirements.

IB Promotes an Inquiry-Based Approach

Be it elementary school or high school, IB takes a global approach and provides a unique perspective of ideas across disciplines, like examining the connection between the early 20th century novels and communism or the visual depiction of music. No matter what the students are studying, they go deep into the subjects and try to find answers to problems.

Is IB right for your child?

If you are planning to put your child into an IB accredited school then there are a few things that you should know. For example, your child is less likely to take notes during the class and is more likely to spend his/her time working on an individual or group project with the teacher guiding them when necessary. Classes in IB schools can be academically challenging and will require the student to take the initiative, organize, and finish the projects or make presentations in front of class. If you think your child can thrive in such a demanding environment then you can consider sending your child to an IB residential school in India. Also, remember that IB lays a particular emphasis on asking questions and looking for answers. Questions on every topic imaginable are asked and if your child has an inquisitive mind, an IB school would be perfect.