Our World-class School Infrastructure
The children enjoy a beautifully manicured, Wi-Fi enabled campus, meticulously maintained playing-fields and sporting facilities, fully-air-conditioned classrooms and conference halls with well-equipped libraries, hi-tech laboratories, carefully thought out residential accommodation and an exclusive dining experience. GDGWS boasts of the most advanced infrastructure.

The Education City, of which the G.D. Goenka World School is an integral part, covers 60 acres and accommodates 9 buildings with a built-up area of about 1 million sq. ft. The entire campus is fully air-conditioned with 24/7 power backup.
The campus has several playing fields interspersed with grassy knolls, beautiful gardens and tree-lined avenues. Thoughtfully designed all facilities in the school are within close walking distance.
We offer not just classrooms, but workshops for learning:

The school has 3 libraries for the Primary Years Program (Nursery to Grade 5), Middle School (Grades 6 to 8) and Senior School segment (Grades 9 to 12). The well-stocked libraries, with intranet based Wi-Fi facilities, are inviting quiet zones for resource work, reflection and reading.
The school has outsourced a books & stationery store to ensure students have access to all material available in the market. Open five days a week for the duration of school hours, it caters to the needs of the children who can replenish their stationery or buy books as the needs arises.

Students make career decisions at different stages and individual advice is always available at Career Counselling sessions at the Careers Office.
The Guidance Cell at G.D. Goenka World School, led by the School Counsellor, is alive to the varied educational and personal needs of students of different ages and from diverse social, cultural and religious backgrounds.
The Office of Special Education directs and supports the development, implementation, operation, and evaluation of Pre K–12 educational programmes, curricula and services that meet the unique needs of students with disabilities.

GDGWS is a national leader in Sports infrastructure with 7 playing-fields for football and hockey, a cricket pitch and a 400-metre athletics track, multiple basketball, tennis and volleyball courts and a Fitness Centre that is truly the jewel in the crown of GDGWS’ infrastructure.
The Fitness Centre:
The Fitness Centre houses a gym with 3 different zones for Cardio, Strength and Stretching, 2 Glass Squash Courts with spectators’ galleries, a dedicated space for Table-tennis and Billiards and a half-Olympic-sized indoor swimming pool for the senior swimmers, with a separate pool for the juniors, some of who take their first dip at GDGWS! The water is chlorine free and treated with ozone technology. The hi-tech gymnasium has the latest equipment from Precor, USA, that includes 5 treadmills, 3 cross trainers, 3 cycles, ab crunchers and weight-training equipment.
Besides offering a variety of indoor games, the Fitness Centre also houses a Spa and Salon.
We have 2 Sauna Rooms, 2 Steam Rooms and 5 showers for each of the boys’ and girls’ sides respectively. The Spa can accommodate 60 people at one time on each side.
The hair and skin-care salon is a treat for boarders, allowing them the convenience and luxury of personal grooming on campus! There are 10 fully hydraulic Barber chairs, 2 Manicure tables and 2 hydrotherapy Pedicure tubs, 2 Styling stations/cabins, 2 shampoo chairs with automatic neck and back massage and 2 Massage and Treatment Rooms. All the equipment is from Takara Belmont, France and Lemi, Italy.

Multipurpose Hall & open-air Amphitheatre:
Performances take place in a variety of places, including the Multi-purpose Hall and the open-air amphitheatre.
There are 4 Specialist Studios dedicated to the performing arts: Western Music, Indian Music and Dance; each with CADCAM equipment.
With 3 Art Studios for the visual arts (primary, middle and senior), the students are offered a variety of artistic activities, including drawing & painting, pottery & sculpture, mural art, clay modelling, print-making, tie & dye, doll-making and paper cutting & pasting.

The Refectorio (dining-hall) is a centrally air-conditioned double-storeyed building, spread over 13,000 sq. ft. with a seating capacity for approximately 1000 students. The Refectorio serves breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. The bright décor adds to its cheerful and welcoming ambience.
The Refectorio serves Indian, Chinese, Korean, Continental and a variety of other cuisines.
The menu is drawn up by expert dieticians and cooked on campus under stringent quality controls. Mechanical dishwashers and waste disposal systems guaranteeing the highest standard of hygiene.
Eggs, juices and organically cultivated fruits and vegetables are also part of the menu. Keeping in mind various cultural and religious sentiments, there are separate cooking and serving areas for vegetarian & non-vegetarian. The dining-hall boasts of state-of-the-art installations with separate hot and cold counters.
The food at GDGWS is a unifying force. The dining-hall is a welcoming place where students sit in groups of all sizes and everyone eats together. Children get the chance to catch up on the news, watch some sport on the various Plasma TVs around the dining-hall or simply catch up with friends. The true multicultural diversity of GDGWS can be experienced on any given day as students, full-time, weekly and day boarders from around the world congregate here, sharing meal-time with teachers from different departments.

The boys and girls live in separate boarding houses with identical infrastructure.
Each room accommodates 8 children and is aesthetically designed with parquet flooring, large windows, cheerful upholstery and individual cupboards. An attached washroom, with shower and toilet facilities, is shared exclusively by children of that particular room.
A common room is shared between two rooms, equipped with dedicated study tables, a Plasma TV for entertainment and a refrigerator. All rooms have network ports and high-speed internet access.
A prayer-room in both the boys’ and girls’ sections of the boarding complex allows children the peace and tranquillity of quiet worship.
The dedicated laundry services-area on-campus is equipped with Stefab machines for in-house washing and ironing services.

The School Infirmary is complemented by 2 smaller Infirmaries located in each of the wings of the boarding houses. The School Infirmary has 6 beds, a patient examination and Dental Chair, B.P. Apparatus, Snellen eye chart, first-aid kits with life-saving drugs for use in an emergency and Oxygen cylinders and Nebulizers in the Infirmary and boarding houses.
The school Medical Staff consists of 2 Doctors (Full time). A Doctor and Nursing staff are on call 24 hours a day on the campus. The school has adequate medical facilities and a supply of non-prescription medicines.
The school has a well-equipped ambulance and ambulance services are available 24 x7 on campus.
The school has a tie-up with Artemis Hospital in Gurgaon for all emergencies.
Primary Health check-ups are done by the Doctors at regular intervals.

The campus has 24 x 7 security cover, with guards stationed at the Front and Rear Gates, in front of all buildings, as well as patrolling the campus. Drills are conducted regularly and protocol is in place for various different scenarios.
24 hours security/surveillance is taken care of through BMS, Access Control & CCTV.
Fire sprinklers, alarms and smoke detectors have been placed at regular intervals and are routinely checked.
CCTV: All the buildings & outdoor fields are under surveillance through fixed & PTZ cameras, with event recording facility to keep a check on any untoward incident.
Access Control: All restricted areas/zones have controlled access for entry & exit, based on the smart contactless card & reader system.

GDGWS has a fleet of Yellow Buses that are responsible for picking up and dropping off day-boarders. These luxury buses are fully-air conditioned and come equipped with water-dispensers and a first-aid kit.
Our transportation team that ensures the buses arrive on time have experienced drivers, a designated caretaker or Nanny and security guard.