11 D Class Assembly for the IBDP Segment

admin News & Events

T​he students of class 11D held a class assembly for the IBDP segment​ on the 16th of February. The theme of the assembly was ​Innovation.

There are various creative innovations happening all around the world and the aim of the assembly was to help ​create an awareness and motivate young people to think creatively​. The students, shared the stories of various inspirational young entrepreneurs all around the world. The audience learnt about ​innovators like Lilly Singh, Mikaila Ulmer, Shubham Banerjee, etc.​ The assembly then ended with t​wo very famous TED​ ​Talks by 12-year-old Thomas Suarez and Taylor Wilso​n. ​Taylor is the creator of a nuclear fusion reactor.​ Dr Manisha Mehta; the head of IB Diploma program addressed the gathering . She discussed how IB Diploma Program gives opportunities and skills for students to think creatively which will come in very handy for students in college, at work and later in life.