1st November 2017 – Assembly Report 7B

admin News & Events

The Class Assembly of Grade VIIB, with anchors Vanshika and Aarav and Form Tutor, Ms Shilpa Yadav , was held on 01st November 2017. The topic was ‘Being a role Model’. The Assembly started with the prayer followed by the ‘Thought of the Day’ and News. Then a video on Narendra Modi – the Prime minister of India was shown to all. It reflected on his life.

It was followed by a skit by the students of Grade VIIB. Students were dressed up as different famous role models across the world and reflected on the hard work put in example that they have set for all of us. The skit was very informative and was followed by a Quiz which impressed the audience. After that Kushagra and Choi Woo presented a beautiful musical rendition on the violin of ‘My heart goes on.’ Lastly, the students enthralled the audience by their amazing dance performance. The Assembly concluded with the National Anthem. The assembly was addressed and appreciated by Director Principal Dr Neeta Bali.

Students of Grade 7B were also rewarded with the Certificates for Inter school swimming- Alisha Aflobi, Alisha Karwarsa, Kismet Sehrawat.
