6A Assembly 0n 12th April 2017

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The young ones of Grade 6A presented an Assembly based on ‘Kairos.’ ‘Kairos’ which means “a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action .The ancient Greeks had two words for time: (chronos) and kairos. While the former refers to chronological or sequential time, the latter signifies a period or season, a moment of indeterminate time in which an event of significance happens.”

The students regaled the audience with their inputs of news both national and international as well as of sports. There was a thought for the day and a prayer was sung with great fervor and devotion. A brief German song and lastly the programme was rounded off with a wonderful dance by the girls choreographed to ‘Girls Run the World’ by Beyonce Knowles.

The effort of the youngest pupils of the CS1 programme was applauded by one and all.

The International Science and Mathematics Olympiad medalists were awarded their Certificates also.Nikita Marwah(7B) and Aastha Gautam(8A) from CS1 were awarded Gold Medal Certificates

T. Chatterji
Co-FT 6A