9th Chinh Kid Film Festival- An Educational Trip to Mumbai

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Nine students of grade XI participated as Jury for ‘9th Chinh India Kids Film Festival’ in Mumbai from 28th-30th November 2015. Chinh is inspired by ‘Giffony Film Festival of Italy’ and collaborates with school pupils and empowers them in the conflict areas. The Festival was held at Mumbai and more than 60 short movies made by kids were screened at Somiya School Auditorium for kids to decide the winners. The student jurors from around the world schools were also trained in Social Media Literacy Skills. The trip was aimed at accrediting pupils to think critically, creatively and communicate effectively. It also built their capacity to empathize with others and foremost in decision making. A Gala Award function was held at Bhaidas Auditorium where Jury students were also honoured with Medals, certificates of appreciation and workshops attended.

Giffoni film Festival
Chinh India