A workshop at the Particle Accelerator at CERN (Centre Européen pour RechercheNucléaire) in Geneva, Switzerland

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Looking into the “Matter” concerning the beginning of the universe…

(Left)The particle accelerator at S.T.A.R. Labs that brought to us the Flash. (Right) the real particle accelerator, also known as Large Hadron Collider, at CERN.

In the coming summer vacations, 12th Grade Physics Students of our school will attend a workshop at the famous Particle Accelerator at CERN, Geneva. It is set to take place near the last week of June, during which students will be physically present at the frontline of breakthroughs in the field of Particle Physics.

If you have seen the popular TV series “Flash”, you may have been already introduced to what particle accelerators can do- the part where they could accelerate particles till they collide to break down into smaller particles, not explode and create meta-humans!

In real life they are used for research on the building blocks of atoms themselves eventually breaking of into the separate branch of particle physics. Ironically, this subject of particle physics (study of the fundamental particles smaller than the atom) is not a “small” subject after all considering millions of dollars’ worth of capital is injected into a facility such as CERN doing such advanced research.

This “particle”-r workshop is aimed at deepening knowledge of students in the microcosm of the universe, which scientists hope, will enlighten humanity of the beginning of the universe by explaining how the particle accelerator works. So the further we break down the atom using this giant machine, closer we are to learning the true nature of the “Big Bang”.

The highlights of this educative workshop includes interactions with world famous scientists; learning other research in engineering and computer science; an authorized certification to enhance profile and even access to restricted areas of the facility hidden from regular joes!

Thanks to Life Lab Education and Research Foundation, our students will learn beyond the syllabus and even educate themselves about the culture in Geneva, Switzerland.

This future event will surely bring an adventure of a higher energy level into the lives of our charged students! If you want to know more about the experiences one may gain, you may want to visit the following website: http://lifelab.org.in/

By Mehul Kaushik