Adventure trip to Camp Wild

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Complete holistic growth of an individual is a combination of fun, learning and discovery of self through practical experiences which reflect the physical strength of an individual and his ability to deal with nature, uncertainties and to survive with just minimum essentials.With these objectives in mind the IAYP trip to CAMP WILD WILDERNESS ADVENTURE CAMP was planned, with 53 Bronze and 12 Silver Award participants.

A whole range of activities like obstacle course, night trek, rock climbing, valley crossing and rappelling got the adrenaline flow high with girls proving no less than the boys. Dancing to the tunes of the latest melodies kept the participants awake till the late hours of the night.Dr. Vinay conducted a Firs Aid workshop and discussed some of the basic medical protocols with the students prior to the trip. Survival skills, knot tying and tent pitching session was thoroughly enjoyed by all and to conclude the session all 12 Silver participants were put to task to pitch tents within a given time frame.The trek on second day to the lake Dhauj was very long but the scenic beauty kept the fatigue away. The students returned back to school with minds brimming with memories and cameras packed with photographs to be cherished. Teacher Coordinator for the trip was  Vijayashree Pahal


A reflection of the trip by a silver participant (Hamza Mubarak of Grade 10).

“My Experience at Camp Wild”

We had arrived at Camp Wild early in the morning on Friday 25th October. After choosing our roommates and putting our luggage in our cabins, we left the camp to begin our activities.

The first activity was rock climbing followed by river crossing. It was a small climb up the rocks but the river crossing was the highlight of the activity. We crossed a gap between two large rocks using a  rope to pull ourselves across. After everybody was done, we went for rappelling. We used a rope and harness to make our way down a steep cliff face. We then went to an obstacle course to test our physical abilities. Later in the day we went for a night trek through the nearby village which was followed by dinner and an enjoyable time dancing to a DJ’s music. We went to sleep to regain our energy for the next day’s events.

On day two of our trip we woke up early in the morning to go for four hour trek.  We viewed a beautiful lake from our position on the top of the cliff. We later ate lunch back at camp, packed our bags and boarded the buses to return home.

The trip camp wild was an exciting and enjoyable one with many activities only made better by the company of friends.”