Anti Bullying Session with grade 3 to 5

admin News & Events

“Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.”- Benjamin Disraeli 

GDGWS encourages its students to never be bullied into silence. Never allow themselves to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of their life, but defining their own self. 

Keeping this encouragement in mind, a session on Anti-bullying was taken for Grades 3rd to 5th by Grade 12th CAS students. 

A lot of engaging and interactive activities were planned by the CAS students of the school to spread awareness about the essentials of maintaining a peaceful and joyful environment around ourselves and not engaging in bullying malpractices. 

The aim of the session was to highlight the malpractices of bullying and how we should prevent it or speak about it. Bullying is a normal part of childhood and is a problem that can be detrimental to a student’s well-being. Bullying can occur anywhere, in little adult supervision or non existent. When children experience bullying, they have a tendency to become emotionally withdrawn. On the other hand, bullies often have trouble relating to their peers that contributes to their emotional problems.The session guided the students that one should respect the feelings of others. They learnt that strong people stand up for themselves but strongest people stand for others. 

They concluded the session by understanding that pulling someone down will never help them reach the top.