Assembly on Drug Awareness

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The Drug Awareness School Assembly “Drug Free, That’s Me”: 8th February 2017

It’s very important for children to understand the harmful effects of drug abuse, it’s equally important for them to know what to do if someone tries to get them to use drugs.

The D3 Initiative was an anti-drug initiative started by students of Grade 8.This initiative was founded on the 1st of February 2017 and started on the 8th of February. The campaign ended on the 28th.of February 2017.The aim was to spread drug awareness and stop drug abuse. The students of D3 group began their campaign by organizing a special Assembly for Middle School on the 8th of February,2017.In the Assembly, the pupils spoke about:-

  • Different types of drugs
  • Difference between soft and hard drugs
  • Effects of drug abuse

A skit on Drug abuse was staged by the group to further promote drug awareness amongst the gathering present. At the end of the Assembly, there was an interactive Quiz with the audience to test just how well the message had reached them. The D3 group members spent time pasting posters at key points all over the campus.

Key Learning Points:

  • The difference between “good drugs” and “bad drugs”
  • How drugs alter one’s perceptions…and why this is so bad!
  • Just because something comes from the grocery store doesn’t mean it’s good for anyone
  • How drug pushers will lie about the effects of drugs.
  • Why one should not try drugs even once
  • The importance of NO, GO, YELL, TELL!

Sumer Kaistha (D3 Leader)
Grade 8A