Best Out of Waste Inter-House Art Competition

admin News & Events

Best out of waste craft or recycled craft is an amazing way to utilize material which most of the times goes into dustbins. A habit must be generated especially amongst children as to how they can use old magazines, newspapers, plastic bottles, cans, tyres, e-waste or even broomsticks to create beautiful and some amazing crafts. In order to make children aware of the uses of the waste material, and to give them a lesson on reducing waste to save our future, A ‘Best out of Waste’ competition was organized for pupils of Upper Primary. Exceptional ideas were executed by deft fingers of students. Right from waste plastic bottles, spoons to broken bangles, plastic hangers, waste baskets to broken trays and newspapers were all transformed into intricate artifacts.

The Young Minds of lower primary also participated to show amazing Art using Waste Materials. Nursery pupils used CDs to create cute caterpillars and did hand and brush painting to complete the scene.  K.G pupils created a beautiful Flower Mosaic with Waste CDS by breaking them into different shape and sizes. Grade 1 pupils created a Marine scene using spray painting technique, pebbles and CD fishes, octopus and snails. Grade 2 pupils created CD clowns and Sea animals.