Boarders’ Visit to Sultanpur

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It was much of a surprise to us even though it was planned couple of weeks back that we would go and visit the Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary for bird watching. We left at around 7, enjoying the pleasant winter weather. As we reached there, we remembered the place as we had visited it around 4 years back and it was still the same, except the weather and less crowd making it more interesting. Even though we gained little knowledge about birds we saw some of the birds like the Painted Stock, Moorhen, Egret, Siberian Ducks, Indian Parakeet, Indian Cormorant, Black Ibis, Sarus Crane and some common birds too. Not only did we see birds, but we met some of the professional people taking pictures in the sanctuary, and had come from the National Geographic channel. However, what we cherished the most is the unity that we were able to form with our House parent’s, and the conversations we did. We realized that we were able to interact like a family, which I don’t think we ever would’ve done in the regular weekend routines we spent in boarding sitting on our laptops the whole day for entertainment and studies. We hope we have many such trips to come, which would surely increase the stash of memories we will carry forward in our lives.

Contributed by boarder-Jayraj Patel- year 1 , IB-DP