Calendared Assembly By The Pupils Of 8A

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The calendared morning Assembly by 8A on October 5, 2016 was aimed at educating the CS1 pupils on the ‘Importance of breakfast’, ‘the ill effects of drinking cola & using smart phone in the dark’ and a quiz on ‘An unusual use of ‘Emojis’ to depict the names of Indian sweets’.

The importance of breakfast was beautifully presented as a short skit which included a character, ‘Billu’ who always skipped breakfast. There were other pupils who played the characters of organs – Liver, Neuron, Brain and the Cortisone hormone. The skit explained the repercussions of skipping breakfast, the harm it causes to the body, which includes slowing intellectual activity of the brain and weight gain.

The quiz, which used ‘Emojis’ to depict the names of some popular Indian sweets, made one and all rack their brains and was not a cake walk even for the best ‘tech – savvy’ pupil.
It was a fun filled assembly with relevant messages.

LRP – Ms Ruchira Pant
Form Tutor – 8A
Picture credits- Ms Nidhi Sharma