Cambridge Lower Secondary (Grades 6 to 8) students visited Heritage Transport Museum, Gurgaon

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Cambridge Lower Secondary (Grades 6 to 8) students visited Heritage Transport Museum, Gurgaon. The museum has a collection of rare & vintage automobiles, buses, aircraft & trains. Vintage cars which were been used in India since the advent of motoring were displayed. Some objects on display were important as intellectual resource of the social and economic history of India like old lithographs, original photographs including rare albumen prints, old postcards on modes of transportation in India. A special section showcasing the role of cars in Bollywood was center of attraction for students.

Students enjoyed the film on transportation shown in a mini auditorium. The museum’s extensive galleries provides the perfect learning environment for a student that is both fun and informal and inspires learning on topics like history, science, engineering, design, technology and culture.