CAS Project Paper Planes

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Our CAS project was about collecting waste paper and then recycling it to do our bit in making a greener world. I would firstly like to thank my CAS coordinator for helping us in every way possible. Our CAS project started last year in December 2014. We tried collecting waste paper from every area of our school. We initiated it by keeping carton boxes where teachers or anyone would throw any waste paper. After collecting something more than a couple hundred kilos they were sent to the recycling mill. On 17 December 2015 we were provided with the diaries made from the recycled paper. We started distributing them to the school authorities or anyone in need. This project helped us lean our time and mind towards the noble social causes and helped us achieve a great prosperity in the stage of global education.

Students involved: Kartik Raman, Gaurangi Rastogi, Avril Bansal, Shivang Agal, Nirbhay Jain, Tushar Kumar, Linoka Shiku