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A crisp sunny morning with yuletide spirit …who could resist the infectious Christmas celebrations? As a part of special assembly held on December 21st, school’s courtyard  wore a festive look with bells, streamers and a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. The assembly started with a short brief about the importance of Christmas . Then students representing all segments came on stage and gave a lively dance performance. The school choir brought in the true feeling of the spirit of the festive season through the melodious chimes of Christmas carols. Our Director-Principal , Dr Neeta Bali, addressed the gathering and appreciated the efforts of the students for putting in splendid performances. The special assembly ended with a message  to the students to spread the essence of Christmas with love and compassion.
After the morning assembly, the students  rushed out to the school lawns to attend the winter carnival where many delectable food stalls and interesting activities awaited them. After this the community bid each other farewell for the winter vacations.