Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning

admin News & Events

April 2018#Coffee #morning for the #IBPYP Parents of Grade #Nursery to Grade 5

We believe in making every student comfortable, happy and well settled in whatever they are doing to come out with the best in them. For this purpose, the parents of PYP were invited to the school for coffee morning wherein all the parents were made aware of the transition process of their ward from one grade to next grade.

The teachers interacted with the parents and discussed about the school timings, change in writing patterns, assessment, co- curricular activities, and many other important topics followed by the journey of Primary Years Programme through a Power Point Presentation which was followed by interesting activities engaging the parents in hands on learning about the 5 Essential elements of the Programme.It was a great experience for us too to see the parents participating and using the IBPYP Attitudes and Learner Profile and sharing their views on developing them in the students both back home and at school.

There was an interactive session where in parents were given an opportunity to put their queries to rest .It was a great time for the parents to interact and know each other.Overall, it was a huge success and an enriching experience for both the teachers and the parents.