Connecting. Communities. Cultures- CS1 students at the International Scholastic Book Fair @ GDGWS

admin News & Events

Day 1

Enthusiastic readers thronged the book fair organized to mark the day with myriad of activities lined up for the week.

‘Where we have been in the world’ Particularly caught the attention and participation of the students of all age groups. A huge board had been placed at a strategic venue with a bold and large world map. Tiny flags were provided to students who have visited any country of the world, to write their name, grade, section and the year of visit. They were then to identify the country on the map and place the flag there and get a one -minute video shot narrating the experience or something unique of that country. An overwhelming response was received and some wonderful videos were made which will be shared with the students in Assemblies and the 5 best videos would be awarded.