Day 2 of Goenka World MUN 2022- CLOSING CEREMONY

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GWMUN 2022 was a resounding success! All delegates gathered with great anticipation and enthusiasm for the closing ceremony led by Tanvi and Tamana, eagerly awaiting the award announcements. The ceremony began by our esteemed Director-Principal ma’am addressing the delegates  on the importance of encouragement, spirituality, and inner strength. As our guiding light and mentor Dr. Bali acknowledged the efforts of all faculty, secretariat officials, committee members and delegates who  made the 5 edition of Goenka World MUN the unparalleled experience it was.
This speech was followed by a roaring performance of ‘Eye of the Tiger’ played by the Goenkan band “ThunderNote”, which had the audience tapping their feet to the beat!
Subsequently, the Chief d’Affaires Ms. Priya Mahendru, presented a heartfelt note of appreciation to all the executive board members, and secretariat officials who toiled day and night to make this MUN possible. All EB and organization committee members were felicitated with an token of gratitude for all their hard work. Ms. Mahendru went on to thank, management, OC, and school faculty members for their active help and dedication in making the event as smooth as possible.
Thereafter, awards were presented to all aspiring delegates who did a commendable job in their committees and in the MUN itself. We are proud to announce Best School Delegation went to Scindia  Girls’ School! Heartiest congratulations!
The conference was then declared closed by the President and Secretary General of GWMUN. We would like to extend our utmost gratitude to all those that worked so hard to propel this event to the immense heights it has reached! As Goenkans, we aspire to be higher, stronger, and brighter with each edition of such a hallmark event!
The closing ceremony saw great enthusiasm and fervour . Finally, the winners were declared amid great applause.
Congratulations to the winners:
Best Delegate – UNGA DISEC: Saudi Arabia
Best Delegate- UNCSW: Afghanistan
Best Speaker – Lok Sabha: Rahul Gandhi
Best Delegate – UNICEF: Sweden
Best Delegate – IMF: Sweden
Best Delegate – UNESCO: Germany
Best Journalist – Anuj Kashyap
Best Caricaturist – Aahana Shah
Best Photographer – Aarjav Jain
Best delegation – Scindia kanya Vidyalaya