Exchange Visit to Oban High School, Scotland

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Letter from Oban High School

On behalf of GDGWS, ISA Coordinator nd Dean Of Libraries , Mrs Madhu Bhargava visited Oban High School in Scotland for Professional learning Exchange from June 8th to 14th 2013.

Students of ages 6-14 of G.D.Goenka World School and Oban High School, Scotland have been partnering on various projects like exchange of’ Book Marks’, ‘Letters’ on curriculum related themes during International School Library month from 2010.In 2012 Middle school students partnered for ‘Learn to preserve endangered species’ which is further developing. The schools have created a strong bonding to share resources, teaching methodologies on various subjects and cultural treasures. The efforts of partner schools were recognized by British Council Division, India and UK and who provided grants for the exchange . Teachers of the partner school have already visited G.D.Goenka World School in April 2013.