Feed the Teachers – A Work shop for GDGWS teachers

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“Mention achievement at school and everyone thinks of student grades and test scores. But student successes are possible only when many other things go right. Great learning can happen only in classrooms where trust and respect enable free, active participation; where discipline problems are not allowed to subvert teaching and learning; where enthusiastic teachers connect with students as partners in learning; where administrators fully support the efforts of teachers and students”.  (flippengroup)

“ Feed the Teachers”,  a workshop was conducted at G.D.Goenka World school by Mr Rohit Paul of “The Flippen Group” on 18th of September 2014.

Some of the cutting edge tools like ‘balancing one’s own life and affirmation session’ were shared with the teachers in a fun filled hour. This short time was more than an inspirational message which incited the attending teachers to open up to self and each other in order to improve relationship with students which would eventually enhance their achievement.