
G D Goenka World School Interact

admin News & Events

India is a widely populated country where communities vary from the richest to the poorest in the world. In a country where on one side there is an influx of goods and on the other scarcity of basic necessities. After planning and discussing, the members of the Goenkan interact club along with their advisors , Mrs. Shahnaz Banoo Butt and Mr. Jinas took the initiative and launched two donation campaigns . Both campaigns focus on providing basic necessities to the underprivileged.Due to extreme winters in Delhi/NCR warm clothes were collected, also stationery items and books were packed by the members of the interact club in the cardboard boxes which were taken from the dining hall.

The designing and planning took a little time but in matter of days the project took acceleration. Around 10 boxes were kept all around the school and the members took the initiative to educate everyone in school about the on going crisis experienced by the underprivileged. Seniors students were informed through various assemblies and the junior students were individually contacted in their classes. On Day 1 of the campaign only, lot of donations came through. On day 2 we received no donation and everyone’s hopes went down, however as we progressed to day 3 the donations started rising and as the days went by, they kept increasing. The Goenkan interact club has collected over 50 clothes , 150 books and a lot of stationery in two weeks. Finally, today the school interact members along with our IGCSE Programme head, Ms Shahnaz Banoo Butt and Interact advisor Mr Jinas went to Deep ashram, Gurgaon and donated the 8 boxes.

Donation boxes are still kept around the school and the club hopes to collect more and contribute to the society.

Darsh Jain
President GDGWS Interact, 2017