G D Goenka World School PYP students put up Graduating Exhibition

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On the 5th of March 2011, the grade 5 students of G.D. Goenka World School, Sohna, put up an exciting exhibition on the unit “Lifestyle and Environment Diseases”. This topic was selected, as it is one of the burning issues being faced globally today. All eight concepts of the PYP were highlighted in this exhibition, namely – form, function, causation, change, connection, responsibility, perspective and reflection.

Each concept was presented by a distinct group of grade 5 students. They used modes like oral presentation, written expression, technology based presentation (movie, picture slides), dramatization, demonstration through experiments, games, etc. The exhibition had many interactive elements that allowed the parent audience to participate, share their views, reflect, and think about their daily lifestyles and environment issues. In this way, the exhibition was successful in raising awareness and bringing up action points for practice in everyone’s lives.

The students were well prepared for their presentations after a grounding of class discussions, field trips, guest lectures, campaigns, and experiments. This reflected in their confidence in giving out information and answering audience questions.  The eager parents soaked in all details of each concept. This was a true reflection of the success of the exhibition.