G.D.Goenka World School Students peep into the face of reality on November 2009

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G.D.Goenka World School Students peeped into the “face of reality” with a Brazilian author, social worker and photographer, Ms Conceicao B Praun who has traveled the five continents to document, through her photographs, issues that affect us in her book “The Load”.

The students and the author critically examined the tentacled issues of waste, garbage and refusal generated by us and our own refusal to take up ownership and responsibility for the same. The thought provoking interactive session witnessed critical questioning by the Primary Years Program and middle school students such as, how she thinks that each one was responsible for the waste one creates and that how photographs of the same can help send the message forward? The author suggested that it was important to explore and understand the problem first and face it in the face of it, only then solutions could be found. She answered that the photographs in the book “The Load” are the face of the problem. To the ever curious students of G.D.Goenka World School the author said, “Do as I say not as I do”.