GD Goenka World MUN

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The MUN journey of GD Goenka World MUN began in 2018 with the maiden edition of GWMUN  from 27-30 October, 2018. Through the maiden conference, we hoped to provide a unique opportunity to engage school students in more productive dialogues, while developing strong friendship bonds. The conference drew attention to fundamental issues of global importance through different committees and focus was on concrete solutions and ways to make our world a better and more secure place to live in. The conference featured 12 committees along with the International Press with agendas ranging from the Situation in Balochistan, to fantasy agendas like The Rise of the Dark Lord in Harry Potter. The conference was attended by more than 250 delegates and 13 directors from over 15 nationalities. The delegates also enjoyed a fun filled day visiting the Parliament Museum and Delhi Haat on the first day of the event.

GD Goenka World School organised the second edition of the conference from 22-24 November 2019. Close to 300 participants were enthralled to be a part of an extravagant platform for debating international affairs, drafting resolutions to combat issues and to socialise. As the second edition of the conference, the theme for the conference was “Focusing on Local Impact” through our Model UN for Change initiative! In stark contrast from our aim to host a truly globalised conference last year, we felt it was only imperative for us to prioritise making a positive impact on the society that we live in, those we share it with.

In the spirit of the theme, we will be simulating committees in Goenka World MUN on December 26th and 27th,2020 that provide a distinguished outlook on matters of global concerns, some that have never been deliberated upon before with some very well known schools joining us on 2020 MUN journey.