GD Goenka World School IBDP-Graduation Ceremony 2017

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The intense two year journey of Batch of 2017 through the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program finally came to an end on 20th May 2017. The Graduation Ceremony began with welcoming the Chief Guest, Mr. Kapil Bhalla, National Director of The International Award for Young People India (Duke of Edinburgh International Award, UK), who was escorted by our Principal (Head of School), Mr. Skand Bali, DHM –Mr Sandeep Singh Kathuria, GD Goenka City Administrator Major Kartikeya Sharma and greeted with a floral bouquet by the student council member, Kartikeya Sundaram. It was an emotional moment, when the music started and the Graduating Class of 2017 marched into the Auditorium wearing the classic Graduating Gowns and Caps and wound their way to their allotted seats. After everyone was comfortably settled down, the show began with an enchanting performance by the choir which was followed by a graceful, classical Indian dance which en-chanted the multicultural audience. Soon thereafter, there were a multitude of addresses, which started with the Principal, Mr. Skand Bali. His eloquent speech had both wisdom and a message to all the members of the audience to reflect and mull over. Tushar Kaistha was declared as the School’s Valedictorian for the Class of 2017 .His speech was warm and struck a chord in the hearts of the graduating class in particular. He thanked his teachers, friends and his enriching experiences as an IB student that forged him to be the person he was today. The final address by Mr. Kapil Bhalla was an inspirational advice to the pre-college students to envision and live their idealistic views of the world.

The most awaited part of the program finally arrived and that was the Awards and Souvenirs Ceremony presided over by the MCs-Keerit Singh & Diya Singh. They called each student on to the stage and the Chief Guest, Mr. Kapil Bhalla presented them with a Certificate of Appreciation and memento. The Best IB Pupil Girl Award and the Best IB Pupil Boy Award were bagged by Meher Kaul and Mehul Kaushik. The ceremony came to a close with a vote of thanks from G.D. Goenka’s School Captain, Raaghav Goel, notes of appreciation and thanks from the Head Girl, Kaushika Nayyar and the Vice Head Boy & Girl, Abhinav Sharma & Meher Kaul. We at GDGWS wish our dear Goenkans all the best for their future endeavors.