GDGWS Celebrates Teacher’s Day

admin News & Events

Teacher’s Day celebrations for PYP and senior school were both organized and managed by the organizing committee that had been put in place by our activities co-ordinator, Mrs Chanda Kundra, who was also supervising the running of the entire programme. The collaborated effort of every team member ensured the success of both shows.

The theme for the PYP celebrations had been ‘Movies’—and the decorations committee ensured that the venue lived up to the theme. Having already done a fabulous job of the decorations, all that was left were the performances, which were undoubtedly a huge success. The technical team managed to piece together a perfect presentation coupled with their own soundtracks, thus ensuring that the teachers would enjoy themselves thoroughly.

Organizing the celebrations for senior school, was an equally large feat, that the team managed to overcome, over a short period of time—with amazing results—considering the fact that both programmes were held back-to-back. The theme was ‘Casino Royale’, and yet again, the decorations committee managed to give a feel and sense of Vegas, through an amazing display of posters and props, depicting Vegas—an amazing job, indeed. The variety of performances that had been put in place, was quite startling. Each performance that had been put up was amazing and was worth every second—the entertainment team had done its job to perfection. The technical team, yet again, lived up to its job as it did during the celebrations for PYP—ending the entire show with a movie of the making of the show, which was quite a hit, and a credits sequence—both of which had never been done before.