
GDGWS organised Awareness Activities on #Environment on the theme Breathe Free

admin News & Events

GDGWS organised Awareness Activities on #Environment on the theme Breathe Free in association with #Assocham and #VOLVO to control air pollution .Activities included manifesto writing and demonstrating the making of clean zone #DIY kits to students.

The event was organised for students of Grades 9 to 12 in order to raise awareness regarding increasing amount of air pollution prevalent in our environment currently.Students were informed how the rising amount of air pollution is causing detrimental effects on our health. The students were asked to prepare a manifesto on the topic : “Developing innovative ideas to combat air pollution”. They informed the students how the rising amount of air pollution is causing detrimental effects on our health. The students were asked to prepare a manifesto on the topic : “Developing innovative ideas to combat air pollution”.

The preparation of an air filter was demonstrated to the students. The DIY (“Do it yourself”) kits were given to students and the students were encouraged to assemble the air filters. These filters will now be donated to underprivileged children. The program culminated in felicitating the Winners of the top three entries.