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Goenka Model United Nations Final day

admin News & Events

Until then- strive to resolve, strive to evolve.

The third and final day of the conference finally brought about the most substantial debate, alongside the much awaited resolutions.

While debate topics ranged from the situation in Baluchistan to the rise of the Dark Lord, each and every delegate seemed satisfied by the end of the day with the hard work they had put into their committees.

While, the end of the conference brought along a sense of relief with it, it was a bittersweet moment for all- finally being done with the hard work of this international three day conference that brought along mixed emotions for us all- relieved because of the liberation of responsibility and work, yet sad, for us having to leave each other after the bonds we had made.

The closing ceremony was graced by the presence of GDGU President Mr. Suku Bhaskaran along with the Group Director Mr.Rohit Gujral GD Goenka Group and Director Principal GDGWS Dr.Neeta Bali.

An aura of anxiety and curiosity surrounded all the delegates. By the end of it, nobody was ready to say goodbye and everyone was more than willing to attend this conference again, next year. And it is well said that-

EVERY END IS A NEW BEGINNING so we see you again in 2019.