Goenka World MUN 2020

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“We need to be able to demonstrate that what we do in today’s world, in humanitarian aid, the enormous effort to minimize the tragic situations that we see all over the world, I think, without the U.N., people would suffer much more, and the situation would be much more terrible.”
– Antonio Gutteres, UN Secretary-General 

With that in mind, GD Goenka World Model UN 2020 is proud to announce our collaboration with the United Nations (Information Center) for India and Bhutan for our 3rd edition. Be it the UN Food Programme, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, World Bank, United Nations Peacekeeping Forces, or the World Health Organization – it has had a great impact to create the modern civilization which we call today. In the spirit of a common cause, we look forward to this collaboration and to seeing you this year!


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