Grades 6A & B Assembly-15th February, 2017

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The students of Grade 6A and B showcased their talent on stage during the Assembly on the 15th of February, 2017. The theme was ‘Expectation versus Reality.’

The anchors Sarah and Aarav ably conducted the Assembly. The Assembly started with the prayer followed by the ‘Thought of the Day’ and News both National and International. Then a group of Grade VI A students showed their ability to act in two short skits .Students from both sections presented well rehearsed musical items on- the keyboard and violin. Two pupils of grade VI A also sang a song. A skit on the theme by the children of class VI B impressed the audience. The finale of the Assembly was brought about when the students of VI B enthralled the audience with their amazing dance performance. The Assembly concluded with the National Anthem after the audience was addressed by the Head of Programme, Dr. M. Mehta.

Ms. Shilpa Yadav
Form Tutor-VI B