GRADUATION DAY—2019 at GD Goenka World School

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On May 25, GD Goenka World School held a glorious Graduation Ceremony to felicitate the outgoing batch of 2019.  The ceremony was graced by the presence of Chief guest Ms Sharon Lowen, alongside parents and family members of the students being felicitated.

The Director Principal ,Dr Neeta Bali addressed the august gathering welcoming the chief guest and telling students of how they must not take parents for granted . She also talked about the learner profiles that help IB students become most suitable to  global standards with the skills that IB teaches them so subtly. She said that the school will always remember and welcome the students years after they have graduated.

The IB DP coordinator Dr Manisha Mehta shared her thoughts with the students telling them how in today’s world new avenues of careers are open, unlike the past, and how the students can help become India a superpower of careers with criss-crossing  career paths. She also reminded the students how they have learnt time management and how IB program has taught them to find resolutions to conflicts.           

The Graduation ceremony, a highly valued Goenkan tradition, also witnessed the felicitation of the Class Valedictorian, Min Yeong Kim , and the coveted titles of IB Girl and IB Boy that aim to recognise students who exude the true values and qualities that the IBDP curriculum wishes to instil in its learners. Gamini Khurana was declared the Best IB Girl and  Darsh Jain the Best IB Boy.

The Chief Guest for this event, Ms. Sharon Lowen, a highly acclaimed Odissi dancer, who has performed and choreographed for film and television and presented hundreds of concerts throughout India, enlightened the students with her inspiring words; Ms. Lowen encouraged the batch of 2019 that shall take onto the world to “be proactive and make informed decisions. It is good to explore without having any assumptions as it helps you to be more creative and explore the unexplored dauntlessly and be your true self.”

The program was interspersed with cultural presentations: band performance, flute recital, folk dance and choir performances put up intermittently.

This ceremony, over the years, has been especially significant in ensuring recognition for deserving students as well as an occasion for the students to cherish the relationship they have developed over the years with the school as an organisation. We wish all the IBDP graduates the best of luck for future and strongly believe that they will make their alma mater proud.