Graduation Day – Batch of 2023

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The Graduation Day ceremony organized for the Class of 2023, was a memorable event filled with joy and nostalgia. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as students gathered to celebrate their achievements. A lively band performance and captivating dance steps entertained the audience, while emotional videos took everyone on a journey down memory lane. Major General (Dr) Rajan Kochhar, the esteemed chief guest, delivered an inspiring speech where he said, “The EQ is always more important than the IQ for success and EQ can be enhanced but IQ remains constant, so it is advisable to work on EQ”. The Principal Ms Sonali Sinha reminded the graduands that as they are ready to step into the world, they will be faced with challenges yet, “As you navigate the challenges that come your way, remember, we are just a shout away”. The DHM Dr Manisha Mehta also shared some encouraging words, emphasizing the importance of perseverance, she said, “I am so proud of the various skills you have demonstrated in organizing school events,” and now all these skills would help them excel in life. The Valedictorians Rishabh, Nikita, for IBDP and Anderson for AS & A Levels, eloquently expressed their gratitude and hopes for the future. The event culminated with a vote of thanks by the head boy Shivom and the head girl Tanya.