IBDP TOK workshop on ‘Plagiarism and Academic Malpractices

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TOK workshop on ‘Plagiarism and Academic Malpractices, was held in the GDGWS assembly hall, on April 26, 2017, to creates awareness among DP students about academic honesty, and significance of plagiarism, referencing, paraphrasing, which is of high importance in IB circle and in our life.

It was a collaborative efforts of Dr. Suneel Arora, Associate Professor, GDGWI | Lancaster University, an expert in the field for more than a decade, and Dr. Usha Kamal, TOK Coordinator, GDGWS.

We take this opportunity to thank Dr. Suneel Arora, for giving an insight into such an important topic. The workshop was well received by students and faculty members. It was a very interactive workshop, students actively participated in the workshop.

We plan to have more such interactive session in coming months to create awareness and also upskill students in paraphrasing, citing and referencing.

Reflections from some students:

I understand the consequences of plagiarizing in IB, and that teachers have authority to call students to explain their work. Video on paraphrasing was shown and learned how to correctly cite other people’s work. I found the workshop very informative and helpful.(Prisha, IBDP 2).

Dr. Suneel Arora, explained plagiarism, its type and how to avoid it. He also gave us insight into referencing and reasons people commit plagiarism. Dr. Kamal explained penalties of committing plagiarism and paraphrasing. A video on paraphrasing cleared out all doubts on paraphrasing. In totality the workshop was a success and helped a lot of people and me personally in understanding more about plagiarism. (Piyush Banerjee, IBDP 2)

The presentation on plagiarism was very well organised and informative without being overly lengthy or boring. What they taught us was important not only for TOK, but for all subjects, and it was wonderful of Dr. (Mrs.) Kamal to set it up for us. Presentations and initiatives like this are what our school requires in order to improve the quality of education for all students and get better IAs, extended essays and IB scores!(Kartikeya Thiyam Sundaram, IBDP2)

The presentation was about plagiarism. It was very well displayed and presented. I learned that plagiarism is very bad. I also learned how to not plagiarise, and that was the point of whole presentation. It was shown that after taking someones’s work you need to double quote the phrase. In addition to that you need to include that sources information on the bibliography. Lastly I also learned that phrasing the work is another option. In total that was the whole outline of presentation. (Amog Mahadevan IBDP2)