IGCSE : Guest Lecture by Navy Officer Commander Mohan

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On the 8th of January, Commander Mohan, a retired Indian Navy officer was invited to GDGWS to address the IGCSE students.

Commander Mohan had been in Navy for a quarter-century . During his tenure, he had travelled widely on goodwill cruises to Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Japan, and Russia. He shared his life experiences in the Navy with the help of a PPT and a video. He showed us many pictures so that we could understand better. Furthermore, we also uncovered many new facts like India being the first country to make a ship that cannot be identified by other ships; it is known as the ‘Stealth Destroyer’. We were allowed to ask questions and interact with him as well, during the end of the lecture.

Commander Mohan also stressed upon the fact that everyone should have a goal in life and that we should work hard to achieve the goal and be courageous. It was a very interactive and enlightening session.

Report by : Anisha Sethi(IX A)