In service training @ G.D.Goenka World School

admin News & Events

On January 13 and 14 ,2012 , In service training workshops were organized by the management for the entire staff . The Training provider for the first session was British council Division-New Delhi. The training Miles to Milestones was a soft skills workshop.

To DO and not just wish, to walk with determination and not just wander aimlessly will ensure that we are closer to our destination. If you desire more success than others then you need to risk more than others think is safe , care more than others think is wise, dream more than others think is practical and expect more from yourself than others think is possible. This workshop helps you take firm, focused and effective steps towards your goals. The following modules are discussed through activities, case studies and video clippings-
Goal Setting, Knowledge Dimension, Planning and Organizing, Importance of Hard work, Dare to Dream, Creative Thinking, Leadership Skills, Conversational Skills, Trustworthy, Business Communication and Etiquettes

On day 2 , Training provider were Dr. Kanika Khandelwal  , Head of Department , Psychology, Lady Shriram College , University of Delhi and Ms. Ritu Dhingra, the school counsellor. The training session was titled Professionalism at work-introspection. The work shop leader led the faculty members to introspect themselves at professional front through interesting activities like Johari Window and self.