The new academic session began with the Head of School Dr Mrs Neeta Bali initiating exciting house activites and various interhouse competitions such as English elocution, Poster making and Role play. An inter house role play competition for students of MSP and PreIgcse was organized on May 22, 2013. Enthusiastic participants from all four houses adorned the stage with their colourful dresses and mesmerizing monologues. The presentations were very enrapturing and this made it difficult for the judges to come to a definite conclusion. Nyssa House emerged as the winner in both the MSP and IGCSE categories. Aamil Khan from grade 6 enacted the role of a “Judge who married a dumb wife” and Ritik Gaba from IGCSE won plaudits for his role as “Shylock” as he enacted the famous court scene taken from the Merchant of Venice. Saumya Kaushal from MSP presented Portia’s famous monologue from the Merchant of Venice in a very dramatic manner.