
Karo Sambhav

admin News & Events

The serene balmy morning of February 20, 2018 was a morning to remember as GDGWS pupils embarked on a yet another chapter in the Goenkan history. Ten pupils went to Delhi Public School, Greater Faridabad for “Karo Sambhav” Facilitation Round.

  • Kartikeye Sharma, Aadya Verma & Saksham Kaushik- Grade 6 A
  • Adi Mishra and Min Grade 8 C
  • Mikul Manocha and Omar Mir from Grade – 9
  • Gamini Khurana , Abhishek Dalia & Chaitanya – Grade 11

GD Goenka World School was awarded-
  • Certificate of Completion: Platinum
  • For extraordinary Contribution to the cohesive e-waste movement.

  • Certificate for Best Community Outreach School for the State of Haryana.
  • For valuable contribution in making recycling of e-waste a way of life.

  • Certificates for outstanding performance students-
  • Adyaa Verma-6A
    Adi Mishra-8C

  • Teachers were awarded certificates for-
  • Certificate for Best Execution of Toolkit by a teacher : Mrs. Ruchira Pant

    Certificate for Max Collection of E-waste by a Teacher : Mrs. Aruna Ahlawat

    Certificate for Best Community Out reach: Teacher : Mrs. Shilpa Yadav