Educators need to be absolutely aware and conscious that children under our care are 21st century digital natives and are different from our times. Their media world is not like the one we grew up with. Long gone are the days where the phone was a primary mode of communication. Hence it is vital that they are schooled with media literacy at young age.
Media literacy is a critical engagement with mass media and digital technologies. As media and communications platforms converge, our media practices are changing – from being external spectators and receivers of entertainment and information, to being active participants within an immersive media culture.
The majority of information we receive comes from various forms of visual media. Students can be at great disadvantage if not media literate. It is important that we shift from passively consuming media images to thinking critically about media images.
GDGWS invited ‘CHINH’ which is an early education web channel initiated by ‘National Awardees’ filmmakers, to conduct a two days workshop on ‘Media literacy’ to be held in school premises on September 24th-25th, 2016 (Saturday and Sunday). The movies created by the children will participate in 10th Chinh International children’s film festival in November 2016.