Middle School Inter – House Art Competition Results

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Sixteen young artists of Middle School vied for the top honours in the Inter-House Art Competition held on the 17th January last. The topics were as follows:-

  • A road in the hills
  • Two trees
  • Friends
  • A basket filled with apples
  • A man on a street
  • A car parked in front of a building
  • Two boats

At the end of the exciting competition the results were as follows:-

Amishi Khanna-7B-1st
Bharti Yadav-7B -2nd
Taniya Goyal-8A-3rd

The winning House was Sorbus with a total of 169 points followed by Cedrus with 164 points, Cycas 160 points and lastly Cycas with a total of 143 points.

Many congratulations to the participants and winners!

T.Chatterji (VA)