A workshop was conducted on May 25th, by the organization MIND THE MIND, for IB students and the workshop leader Dr Manisha and her colleague took students through a self-awareness journey. This workshop was intended to help the students, the young adults, to develop themselves into more poised beings and thus maximize their productivity. The workshop leader talked about Learning about Identity via Mindfulness. The students were engaged in activities where they could discover and identify their true self so that they would know themselves better. They discussed the difference between identity and personality and the repercussions of not being mindful of one’s strengths and areas of improvements resulting in seeking validation from others. The activities focused on helping the students to understand the concept of creating and strengthening identities. When you know who you are you take more thoughtful decisions. This approach is needed to respond to the internal and external stimuli, instead of reacting as is often seen. This attitude helps young mindsto train themselves to lead a calmer life and hence take mature decisions rather than panic. The students participated in the activities and mindfully contributed in the discussions to benefit to the utmost