Eight of us attended the WordzMUN’ 09 conference in Chandigarh, held from 10th to 12th August. Personally, the experience was completely and drastically different from any other interschool competitions I have been to.

No one called each other by name or mentioned his or her school. You were just ‘Delegate of so-and-so country’. It all felt so real and lifelike, as if we were actually carrying the burden of an entire country on our shoulders!
We all took the first day to learn to handle the ropes, and I must say I felt pretty odd saying “The delegate of…raises a Point of Personal Privilege to go to the washroom!” We’d all gone through our training material and research meticulously, but interacting, lobbying and negotiating in those caucuses- over heavy issues like the situation in Pakistan, the rights of the LGBT community and tackling new crises every hour (which I don’t know how our crisis committee members did so successfully)- is a different ballgame altogether. Those are skills which one learns only through experience and I hope that many students from our school get the opportunity to acquire them. We realized that the most important thing of all is to get noticed, suggest concrete solutions and be prim-perfect with the procedure. And that’s just our advice to all future MUNers in our school.
Saumya Singh
Grade XI